tsutsumu -包む- from function to form


tsutsumu -包む- from function to form

[ 染織 ]



From the artist


The artist is fascinated with how the characteristics of a material dictate the shape of the functional objects created from it.
All her creations can be used to enclose objects or space.
Elastic gut and flexible but strong wire forms a create pods that capture and transform space. In contrast, silk yarns are woven to produce wraps to transform the objects they enclose.
The result is a body of work that celebrates the objects themselves, the materials from which they are made and the function they perform.
Time in Japan has shaped her appreciation for unique materials leading her to choose Kyoto for this first exhibition of her new work.
                Diana Sanderson


Diana Sanderson has been a professional dyer and weaver for over 40 years, specializing in silk. She owns the Silk Weaving Studio in Vancouver Canada. She is a partner in Sanjo Silk Ltd, importing and exporting silk yarns. For fifteen years Diana has made regular trips to Japan to meet with textile artists and invite them to Vancouver to give workshops, exhibit and lecture.
絹を専門として、染織作家として40年以上活動。カナダのヴァンクーヴァーにてシルク・ウィーヴィング・スタジオを主宰。Sanjo Silk Ltdのパートナーとして絹糸の輸出入に携わる。15年にわたり定期的に渡日し、テキスタイルアーティストと会い、ヴァンクーヴァーでのワークショップ、展覧会、レクチャーに招待している。